Porn Foolery is an adult XXX blog with variety of articles, from sexy stories, sex doll brand marketing, videos, escort in different regions of the world, themed parties and more or less interesting stuff that anyone might want to learn.Design of this page is basic and really easy to navigate.Site is having lots of descriptions, articles and really long sex stories that makes you read for hours.It's fast and responsive but i don't like much search bar option.The most i like about this site is WTF category, there you can find lots of strange, funny and unbelievable articles about sex, porn or nudity in the world, but still, it's not updated regularly :(
Maybe i am little bit disturbed about comment section.We are used to log in and than you can comment articles or videos, but on Porn Fooley everyone can comment everything.
At the end we can say, that this site is interesting, easy to use and navigate, having lots of reading material but if you don't like watching some strange or disturbing photos or videos do not visit this site.